Do you ever feel like God is silent? Lately I have been very discouraged and have been struggling with hearing God's voice. I have to admit I've been bitter and confused about the way things have turned out the last few months. Sometimes I feel like I'm not cut out for all that God has planned for me. I have been praying for God's peace and love to strengthen me in the last few weeks, but all I seem to feel is turmoil and grief. My current emotional and spiritual state has given me an entirely new respect for the story of Joseph. For more than ten years, things had gone from bad to worse for Joseph. Once a free man, he was sold into slavery by his own brothers to people who were his enemies. Through it all, he continued to obey God and work hard for his master. Then, he was falsely accused of assaulting his master’s wife, and he was thrown into prison.
Where was God in the apparently negative events? Not once had Joseph received encouragement from family or friends. Even though Joseph knew God was guiding and blessing him, the times of waiting rigorously challenged his faith.
When God is silent, when He doesn’t intervene, it may seem that He isn’t involved in our life. But God is never still. I try to remember He is always at work, especially in the “silent times.” He uses every event, every situation, and every person in our lives to prepare us for future and fulfill His perfect purpose.
When Joseph is finally released and ruling Egypt as second in command, with the power to save his family and people, Joseph at last understood God’s special plan. I truly desire to be like Joseph and cling to Him in the tough times; trust Him in my darkness.
If you have an extra moment, please say a prayer for me. I pray that I can stay faithful through this sometimes difficult road.