Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Modern Motherhood - Can You Really "Have it All"?

For decades, many women around the globe have been chasing their dreams to “have it all” – a meaningful home life and a successful career. As a Slavic Christian woman, being a working mom is just scratching the surface.  As a young girl, I always knew the type of women I wanted to grow up to be: Strong but caring mother to her children, loving and supportive wife, a rock-star employee with unequivocal work-ethic, a role-model Christian, an encouraging, reliable and hospitable friend and don’t forget, look effortless and beautiful while doing it! So here’s the question I have been asking myself for the last few years? Where did I go wrong? It seems as if I have one area of my life under control, the others seem to spiral into utter chaos. Is it possible to have it all, or is this an impossible feet put on women and moms these days and we have all been fooled into thinking we can somehow match up to this insurmountable list of to-dos? Why must we always feel like we aren’t doing enough? Or is this just my own internal conflict and everyone else is perfectly content and feeling like they have it all figured out?

I’ve recently re-entered the corporate world and thought I’d have some of these issues sorted out, but I feel like I’m all the more frustrated.

When I was home for a few years with the kids, I thought, now I can relax, I had worked since I was 15 years old and a part of me was itching to take a break from the 9-5 hustle. I foolishly thought, I’ll be a stay-at-home mom now, a land of yoga pants and coffee outings and I won’t have the pressure of juggling work and home life. Boy, was I in for a surprise! After a few shorts months, I was feeling guilty for not accomplishing enough on a daily basis and I often felt like I was lost in a black whole, spinning around the same daily chores every day. Wait, didn’t I fold this load of laundry already? I thought I just swept the floors? Is it already time for another Costco run? How have I not found time to take up baking?  All of this way ok, the hardest two things were:

 1) The fact that you don’t get affirmation or some sort of acknowledgement. Wouldn’t it be great if your kids ended the day with “thank you for doing a wonderful job of parenting me today, I'm feeling healthy and more loved than yesterday!” Or every six months, they reviewed your cooking and said “wow Mom, you’ve really perfected this casserole.”? My husband was great at telling me I’m doing a wonderful job, but let’s face it, they are sort of obliged by their vows to be nice to us. J

 2) I always felt guilty for not contributing to my family financially. My husband never murmured a word, he loved me being home. But internally I was conflicted, I always thought, why did I spend all that money getting a degree and that time investing in my career? I should get my ROI (return on investment) and at least contribute to our family (help pay off debt). I should be able to do it all. I should be able to be a stellar mom and work, which could really help my family out. Other women do this all the time!

Now I’m back at work and have to constantly push off the feeling of guilt that I’m not doing enough at home, or church, or taking care of my health, or … (the list goes on and on).  Now the question still stands, is it truly possible to have it all? Working moms, how do you juggle it all? How did our parents do it? My mom worked and seemed to have it all together? Are we just weaker and less productive than they were? Is social media robbing us of all of our time? Household CEO’s – do you feel the same pressures when staying home, like you could have done more? Cleaned more, spent more quality time on homework, taught my kids a song to sing for the Christmas recital, etc.?
I’ve been praying for clarity in this area of my life and will continue to do so, but thought I’d lay it all out there and find out how you super-women deal with it? Or is the road of constant guilt just a way of life now... When you are home you feel guilty for now working or accomplishing more and when you are at work, you feel guilty for not being at home with your babies?


  1. Krystyna, your post connects to me in all aspects. As I am a stay at home mom after getting a degree and working. The same questions that you ask yourself are the same ones I as myself as well. It's always a struggle to balance everything and to be "perfect" in some way that is "perfect" in my mind and ideas. Some how it always feels like the ball is being dropped and the juggle/struggle is real. It seems feeling not good enough, not working enough, not cooking enough, not cleaning enough, etc. is all to real. No matter what it seems in some part of my life I can be better but then there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything and sleep. It seems to find a new "perfect" is more helpful and accept that motherhood is that stage of life where it is a juggling act. Looking at everything, God is good and at the end of life I doubt my family will remember that one load of laundry I forgot to do lol (hopefully they don't😀). Thank you for the beautiful post!

  2. One thing that I realized last year that has really helped me is "you can't be good at all things and that's fine." I know it seems obvious but it really sank in last year. I work, I cook, I do laundry etc., but I don't have time to bake or be Pinterest mom and that's ok! You have to find what is a priority and focus on that in my opinion. You can't do it all while you have young kids! And spending time with kids is key for me because they will grow up so fast and then you will have so much more time to take up that Pinterest project you've been putting off for a decade!

  3. Hey Kristina,
    Interesting post... most of us have or are struggling with this...
    Practically, it's never a won battle or done deal. We will struggle with different emotions on and on depending on the day or the situation.
    But in my experience, first is you figure out personal values and priorities; learn to know thy self :) and act on those values and not on other people values. Part of it is building your family and what works for your family. Its not 2+2 answer... everyone will look different. But once you figure out your values and principles than its a daily renewal of your mind and knowing what you are doing is what you ought to do and not what you feel to do...(at least that's what helps me)... as our moms would say (bagato ne dymatu a robu sho maesh robutu lol) maybe that's how they got it done....

    Another one is to stop caring what every one else thinks (either said than done) but really people talked about you/me/us and will talk so who cares... let them talk they have a right to their opinions, I do what works for me and my family.

    And most importantly rooted in Christ, relying on Him. It's ok to feel weak, because that's when He is strong through our weaknesses and through our struggles. We learn to rely on Him, we learn to lean on Him, we learn to realize how this day only survived because of Him. He gives strength to the weak (then why do I try to be strong), He comforts us (not when we got it all together) and most of all nothing ever can separate us from His love.

    God bless you friend to know yourself, to know your family, to know your values and to be strengthen daily by the Lord. We will only arrive when we come home! Now its just a journey. ...
    - Natalya Y.

  4. Am Laura Mildred by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes 4 years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr. Morrison Hansen post on how Dr. Emu saved him from Herpes with herbal medicine i contacted Dr. Emu on his Email: we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me and told me how to use it, after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test,then the result was negative, am the happiest woman on earth now thanks to Dr. Emu God bless you. Email him at: Whats-app orCall him: +2347012841542 
