Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dear Child

Dear Child,

I am lying here late at night thinking of you. I should be sleeping, but I can't… 

I don't know anything about you yet. I don't know even know if you are a boy or a girl. I lay here wondering what you will be like, what you will sound like, look like? Will you be blonde and blue eyed like me or dark haired with deep eyes? Either way, I know you are going to be beautiful because God made you. In His eyes, and soon to be mine, you are perfect and you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the world’s greatest father!

Your life is a bit different though, but don’t ever let that stand in your way. You  are extremely blessed, because you have two mommies. One who made a huge sacrifice and carried you in her tummy for nine months and one who carried you in her heart for 5 years.

Every night I pray for you. I ask God to keep you in His Arms and hold you until I can. I have asked God daily for the moment to come when I can finally see your precious face. My heart longs for that moment. Who are you Little One? Will you like sports, art or music? Will you be a writer, a doctor or a great evangelist? Will you be laughing all the time or will you make others laugh? Maybe you will be serious and timid, contemplating the deep things of life.

All I know is that I want you to live to the fullest potential you have. BE all that God created you to be. My greatest desire for you is that you will surpass me in knowledge and desire for the Presence of the Lord. Your Daddy and I will have done our job if you serve the Lord with passion and fervor. I make a promise to God this night, and to you, that I will do my best to teach you to serve the Lord and worship His holy name!

You will be His ambassador, whether in the work place as a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher or in the ministry as a pastor, teacher, worship leader or evangelist of the Word. May you speak the wonderful word of God and see it come to pass in your life. May you always know that God created you for a purpose and you have been deeply loved and prayed for from the moment you came into existence.

I love you so much already, even though I don't know where you are or even if you are conceived yet. My love grows deeper for you each day. I hope you come home to me soon precious little child.

With Love,

Your Mom 


  1. This is so beautiful Krystyna! I hope you get to meet your angel soon.

  2. So so precious! Beautifully written Krystyna.
